Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brain Surgery

According to the internet, to become a brain surgeon you need to have the patience to train anywhere from 14- 20 years, nerves of steel, guts and intellect. I know....I said the same thing..Holy Shit!!! Makes sense I guess seeing as you are messing around in someone's head and a whoops is not gonna cut it when you f... up. Now to make a pot of coffee when you work in an office environment takes what, maybe a total of five minutes...this includes finding the coffee filter wherever it may be kept, opening the pack of coffee,

also allowing time to locate that and tearing open the packet which yes..believe it or not has an easy to rip spot right there on the packet itself. Sounds simple don't ya think??? Not so, working in an office pretty much guarantees at least 50% of the personnel have some sort of degree or training of some sort.So I ax you...why is it so difficult for one to make a simple, yes I said simple pot of coffee?? Baffling... don't ya think??? If you can find the time to get your butt out of your chair and walk to the lunchroom you can most certainly take that extra five minutes to make a damn pot of coffee...seeing as you probably poured enough for you to have a cup, but didn't bother to leave enough for someone else to enjoy that same pleasure. It's not brain surgery people...OBVIOUSLY!
And as I like to end my clever, but truthful blogs...If you agree...Great... If not you can Eat MyShortz!!!!!

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